100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our satisfaction guarantee gives you the confidence to book, knowing that you’ll be refunded if for some reason we let you down. If you are not fully satisfied with your experience, you need to let us know in writing and then providing our full terms and conditions have been adhered to, we will refund you for your activity. Please however note the following:


If we cancel an activity due to severe weather, we will refund you in full or where possible transfer you to another date. If you make the decision to not turn up to a booking, this does not entitle you to a refund. If you’ve not heard from us, always arrive as planned for your session despite the weather conditions or forecast.

Such is the nature of the UK’s weather and the reliability of forecasts, we will go ahead in most weather conditions. Cancellations of sessions only take place if conditions are or likely to become dangerous, e.g. high winds or electrical storms. Decisions on this are made by our experts and not by weather forecasters or clients.

To qualify for our satisfaction guarantee you must arrive on time and take part in an activity. We will not refund any late arrivals. It is your responsibility to allow enough time to arrive for your session at the time advised.

Group bookings

For group bookings (over 6 people) refunds are offered to the extent the experience was affected. E.g. you would not get a refund for the whole group, if just two peoples’ experience was not up to standard.

If you do wish to request a refund this must be done in writing and will be fairly considered by our management team.

For our full terms and conditions please click here.